Inner Circle Video Recording: Using Autochartist on MT4/5 to identify opportunities & create a trading system

  Please find the recording of this weeks Inner Circle session below "Using Autochartist on MT4/5 to identify opportunities & create a trading system" to review at your convenience.   Ilan was not only generous in giving his time to share the power of Autochartist as a trading tool but gave invaluable insights into his own tr...

January 29, 2020
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US Dollar and Gold in Tandem

Which safe-haven to choose in 2020 – Gold or the Mighty Dollar? In times of uncertainties – be it economical, political or policy-related, investors generally seek safety with haven assets like the US dollar, Japanese Yen, Swiss franc or Gold. Our attention today is on Gold and the US dollar, both of which have had an interesting start to...

January 24, 2020
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Revisiting Your Trading Profit Target Strategy

  Using profits targets in trading, irrespective of trading vehicle chosen (e.g. Forex, Index/commodity CFDs, Share CFDs), is commonly discussed as potential exit strategy. The reality however is that these are often executed with a lack of consistency with ambiguity in trading plan statements. This article revisits profit targets and...

January 22, 2020
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2020 Kicks off with US-Iran and Climate Change Crisis

The start of the year was marred by the escalating tensions between the US and Iran while extreme weather conditions across the global triggered fierce debates about climate change. What do we know so far about the tensions between Iran and the US? Iranian-backed militia killed an American Defense Contractor The US retaliated with missile...

January 15, 2020
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Accumulating into a Profitable Trading Position: A System Checklist

Position accumulation is to increase exposure to a currency pair, by adding a second (or more) position in the same trading direction. Although on the surface the opportunity to increase potential return is attractive, there are also risks that MUST be at the forefront of your thinking. These principles described in this article are appropriate ...

January 15, 2020
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Inner Circle Video: 4 ways to potentially increase your average profit in winning trades

Here if the recording of this week's Inner Circle session to review if you managed to attend or see for the first time if you were not able to make the session live. The principles covered are applicable across all trading vehicles. (click on the icon in the corner for full screen)     ...

January 9, 2020
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Bump in the road for EV makers

It was a monumental year for two of the biggest electric car makers – Tesla and NIO in 2020. The stocks of both companies rose significantly over the last 12 months with NIO gaining over 1000% and Tesla by over 350% - reaching new record highs. With such gains, both companies have attracted significant public interest and a lot of investors h...

January 1, 2020
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3 potential reasons why forward testing a new strategy is beneficial when amending trading plan

Warning: Turn your sensitivity meter down a little. This is a no sugar-coating, tell-it-how-it-is article (but rest assured it comes from a nurturing place). All over the globe, trading gurus attempt to sell their wares (software, the ‘holy grail’ of trade set ups etc) using retrospective charting examples. Such powerful visual “evidence�...

December 27, 2019
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Trend retracement or reversal? – Can volume be a useful “clue”?

    Trading Volume: General principles Many experienced traders (even those using a simple system will incorporate volume as part of their entry (common) and/or exit (less common) system. It is essential (as with any indicator) that you understand the role volume can and cannot play with suggestions of what is happening to marke...

December 26, 2019
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Trading plan specifics – Articulating your trail stop strategy in your plan

  We have discussed many times the importance of unambiguous, and sufficiently specific statements within your trading plan in previous articles and at the weekly “Inner Circle” webinars (for more information see the Inner Circle in the navigation bar). The benefits of this are twofold: 1. Assist in developing consistency in executi...

December 23, 2019
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2019 in a Nutshell and the Transition to a New Decade

If we could describe the year 2019 in one word, we believe uncertainty says it all. The world entered 2019 with a high level of ambiguity and is poised to finish the year with the same extent of uncertainties. The Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index which is a GDP-weighted average of national EPU indices for 20 countries has remained in ele...

December 20, 2019
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Video: Inner Circle Recording – Trading Plan for 2020

Your trading plan is arguably THE most important system to have in place and having a complete and evidence-based plan may for many be a key goal to aim for in your 2020 trading journey. It should serve you in guiding your every trading action, for every vehicle, in entry, intra-trade management and exit. We want to help you achieve this aim. ...

December 18, 2019
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Video: Matching trading strategy to an economic outlook

  At the recent GO Markets Daryl Guppy seminar, we had a presentation from Daryl that covered both an insightful economic outlook as well as some of his technical trading approaches. During the seminar, a question was asked about how to match the two. i.e. if you have an economic idea how can you integrate this into your trading style. ...

December 6, 2019
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OPEC Meeting: A Crucial Week for the Oil Market

Thursday’s OPEC meeting will be a decisive one for the oil market. OPEC members and its allies (OPEC+) will gather on the 5th and 6th of December for the 177th meeting of the OPEC conference. This producer’s summit is likely to be heavily influenced by the upcoming Saudi Aramco’s IPO. OPEC+ Politics The rising tensions in the Middle East...

December 3, 2019
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RBA: “QE is not on our Agenda!”

This year’s Annual Dinner of the Australian Business Economists was probably the most important event before the year ends. In a year that saw the RBA cutting interest rates three times, the speech around “Unconventional Monetary Policy: Some Lessons From Overseas” fueled speculations that the RBA is to tap into the unchartered territory...

November 29, 2019
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